Saturday, November 23, 2013

Quantum Cabo 60 PTsD

I picked up Quantum's new Cabo 60 PTsD reel. It is a handsome reel!  The action is very smooth compared to the old Quantum Cabo PT.  The drag is real strong and quite impressive. It's equipped with a sealed dual drag, over and under.  Compared to the previous Cabo PT, the new PTsD is equipped with carbon fiber drag washers, and the drag washer under the spool is larger.  Just one full turn of the drag knob from zero drag setting and you can feel the drag bite.  The new Cabo is equipped with automatic bail closure with a rail screwed at the base of the reel body.  Converting it to manual bail is easy, just remove the rail.  The Quantum Cabo PTsD has the same size as the Shimano Stella SW 8000PG but heavier.  This reel just feels so solid! The handle is nice and solid, and I particularly like the handle knob.  I can't wait to take it out next year, casting jigs and lures for tunas, yellowtails, and dorados.   An awesome reel with a reasonable price!

Gear Ratio: 4.9:1
Max Drag: 45Lbs
Weight: 24oz
Line Capacity:  320Yds of 50Lb Spectra